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Society Structure

The society structure has several levels of participation:


  • GUEST/VISITOR – those who are not part of the UKTS society may come as a guest of a Member or Friend or arrange to visit the UKTS by filling out the Visit Us form on the tab above to make a reservation ahead of time. When you arrive for the first time, you will be greeted inside the main building, you will pay for sauna, then a Member will give you an orientation. Space is limited so you may not always be able to make a reservation for a specific date. Please plan ahead! 


  • FRIEND – Friends of the UKTS are members of the society who do not have a work commitment.  To be considered as a Friend, you need to have visited the UKTS at least three times, be sponsored by UKTS Member, fill in a registration card, and pay annual dues ($50).  Unlike full Members of the UKTS, Friends do not need to volunteer with a working group every 4 weeks or work bees.  However, Friends are invited to participate in April & November work bees if they would like to participate. Friends do not need to make a reservation to attend sauna ahead of time and may bring Guests with them.  Friends do not have any voting privileges nor may they serve on the Board of Directors.


  • MEMBER – Membership is a privilege extended to Friends of the UKTS who have shown a deep and longstanding commitment to the Society. 

    • To become a Member an individual needs to be a regularly attending Friend of UKTS.  Friends are good candidates who have become familiar in the community (i.e., Members can easily put a face with a name) and have demonstrated investment in the culture and stewardship of UKTS.

    • Friends must be recommended for full membership by a current Member and be voted on by the Board. 

    • Prior to being voted on, they will shadow a working group for a minimum of 3 times to learn the Member duties of opening, closing, making coffee, cleaning, etc...and show their commitment to working as a regular volunteer. 

    • Once consistent commitment is demonstrated, prospective Members must be approved by a majority vote of the Society’s Board of Directors.​

    • Those who have fulfilled the requirements to join as a Member, pay annual dues ($30), and join one of the four volunteer working groups to run the operations of the UKTS. If a Friend has already paid dues for the year, they do not need to pay additional dues for the current year.

    • Members are required to assist every four weeks on their designated date to sell tickets, provide refreshments, and clean the lodge.  You may see when each working group is scheduled to work by visiting the Calendar tab on this website.

    • Member groups must host two work bees, one each in the April and in the November and Members are expected to participate in their group's work bee or switch with another member.  Members may participate in as many other work bees as they like.

    • Members are entitled to vote in the yearly election of Board of Directors, to hold office, to serve on committees, and to participate in the Society’s activities. 

    • Members receive a discounted sauna rate ($10) and are able to rent the facilities for vacation stays during the summer or for special events.


  • HONOR MEMBERS – Honor Members are Members in good standing over the age of 65, who have all the benefits of membership, may pay annual dues (optional), but are not required to join a working group.  Honor members are voted on by the Board of Directors.



  • FRIENDS: $50

  • MEMBERS: $30


Please direct questions about Membership to


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