Uljas Koitto Temperance Society
New England's Best Traditional Finnish Sauna
Sauna Calendar
Summer Hours: 2PM to 8PM (May – October)
Ticket sales begin at 2:00 PM ---- Last ticket sold at 6:30 PM
Lodge closes at 7:00 PM (including coffee, snacks, bathroom)
All must be dressed & out of sauna building by 8:00 PM
Winter Hours: 1PM to 7PM (November – April)
Ticket sales begin at 1:00 PM ---- Last ticket sold at 5:30 PM
Lodge closes at 6:00 PM (including coffee, snacks, bathroom)
All must be dressed & out of sauna building by 7:00 PM
October 19 - Robinson Ice House Dedication, Potluck & Coffee House
We will dedicate the a building to honor John & Martha Robinson for their many years of leadership, service, and commitment. We will gather for a delicious potluck lunch followed by a dedication ceremony and coffee house. Are you a musician, singer, poet, story-teller, or comedian? Would you like to bring a dish to share? Click here to sign up for the potluck and/or coffee house. There are tabs for each sign up sheet the bottom of the document.
Work bees are on Saturdays in April and November from 9AM to 1PM. Members, Friends, and their Guests are welcome to work at any or all of these days. Each work bee is hosted by one of our volunteer member working groups. These special volunteer days are when the UKTS community works together on preparing the camp for the upcoming season, does deep cleaning, and replenishes our wood piles. Anyone who starts work by 10AM will receive a free lunch and sauna that day.
Board Meetings (in yellow below) are at the UKTS and on Zoom on the Saturdays noted below on the right in the calendar. All members are welcome (but not required) to attend and will receive an email invite with agenda prior to each meeting. Members are welcome to suggest agenda items and weigh in on the discussion. Only board members may vote.
Annual Meeting is held on the first Saturday of May at 10AM to 11:30 AM at the UKTS and on Zoom. All members and Friends are invited but only Members may vote for the slate of officers and board members. The Annual Meeting will be followed by a potluck lunch for the entire UKTS community.
Below is a calendar of the of the Saturdays we are open and which member volunteer groups are assigned to work. Board meeting dates and special events are listed on the right hand side of the calendar. More information about events will be announced as the dates approach. Please email uktspembroke@gmail.com if you have any questions.​​​
UKTS Working Group Calendar - Saunas, Board Meetings & Special Events